Sunday, January 3, 2010

"The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for." -OW

I will remember where I am right now, in this moment, always. To my right, just past the fire escape outside my apartment window, I see the staggered grandeur of New York's skyline. There is a gentle fire housed in our modest fireplace and this is it. Every moment of my past which contained that hazy notion of nostalgia for a place I did not yet know finds its true home here, right now.

New York is it for me. It is the place where I will finally begin. I will realise my true self, I will no longer second-guess my exuberance about literature that was so often met with puzzled or disinterested faces in all of the years leading up to this point. For so long I have been distracted. I have been distracted from my true self, lost in the pursuit of vulgar endeavors. Everything before now, besides small blips and fleeting moments, was pure distraction. I can be here.

Tomorrow I have two interviews: one is for a hostess position (supplementary income!) and the other is my first, professional, full-time job interview. It is a group interview for the Assistant to the Executive position at Posse, a nonprofit that places public, high school students in partner colleges. It would be an excellent fit. I have been studying their website and have my outfit together. I always seem to maintain a certain composure during job interviews and I hope tomorrow is no exception. It will be interesting to experience the group interview, though.

The past week was a wonderful blur. Maddie and I drove to the city on Monday afternoon. That night, we had celebratory drinks at a neighborhood bar and it was an amazing way to kickoff my new life in New York. The next few days consisted of pizza, coffee stops, failed attempts to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree, etc. One night we were able to have a classic, night-at-home-with-cocktails bonding session with my roommate, Taylor. Both Taylor and my other roommate, Calla, are great. It's as if all expectations of New York have been fully realised in every way.

I would be lying if I did not say that I have a sense of apprehension underlying all of these new feelings. I really need to get a job as soon as possible and my professor from last semester has yet to post our grades. I am trying to suppress any negative thoughts and just relish in this beautiful city. I hope this feeling never wanes. This place captures all of the delightful enigmas of my past and brings them to the here and now.

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